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Dr B Lal Labs Is Your Nearest Path Lab on Your Phone

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Not all clients consent to share or add their projects to our portfolio. We have more than 500+ clients served worldwide.

About B.Lal Labs

One of the largest pathology service providing groups in India, B Lal labs have around 200 laboratories and diagnostic centers with approximately 1500 collection centers across India. The company is trusted and relied on by millions of Indians and has also earned appreciation from the leading healthcare service providers.

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Project Brief

The main aim of the project was to develop a pathology service providing applications that would make it easier for them to manage their data and give customers an ease in availing their services. They came to us to get an efficient and user-friendly platform that would facilitate seamless access to pathology services, enhance customer experience, and optimize operational efficiency.

Working with them was a challenge as they came in with a strong reputation and standing up to it was the least we could do.

And the Best Tools We Used for Real11

Available on

World Leader in Software Development

KR Group Corporation was founded in 2012 by Knight Roethe who’s name makes the KR abbreviation, an American businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist with a strong technology background. Start your journey with us today!